Meaning of 2 marriage lines in female hand

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Meaning of 2 marriage lines in female hand

We understand the situation when you see 2 marriage lines in your female partner’s hand. Yes, any normal person panics and starts thinking, about whether she had a strong relationship before coming into your life or she will dump you and will go with another man.

Let’s solve your doubt and see what is the exact meaning of 2 marriage lines in female hand.

Marriage line in female hand

To predict the marriage line in female hand , we need to see both the bands together. There is a wrong concept about the marriage lines. Most people believe that the lines beneath the little finger or pinky finger are called the marriage line. But, that is not true.

These lines are called the influence lines. they only denote the other people’s influence over you. In other words, it could be considered as the love / lust line.

Then what is the actual marriage line? the line starts from the head line and goes towards the thumb and the back of the palm called the actual marriage line. See the reference images.

2 marriage lines in female hand

For marriage, relationships, etc we need to consider the influence line, marriage line, heart line, Venus mount, Jupiter mount, and mercury mount.

But, as you are asking for the meaning of 2 marriage lines in female hand, we will answer your query considering the influence line as the marriage line.

According to palmistry Meaning of 2 marriage lines in female hand

2 marriage line in female hand could mean many things. Here are the different types of 2 marriage lines in female hand and their predictions.

2 marriage lines in both hands of the lady

If the left hand and right hand, both have two marriage lines (actually the influence line) then there is a chance of at least two deep relationships. This means the lady can get influenced by the opposite gender, at least two times in her life.

But, influence can not guarantee a marriage. If one of these two lines is strong bigger and more prominent than the other, that perticular influence could be converted into a wedding.

The confirmation sign is the strong, bigger, prominent, unbroken heart line in the right hand of the lady and a good, smooth, venur mount without net symbol in that perticular hand.

Two marriage lines in the female left hand only

In Some cases, I observed that some women have two marriage lines on their left hand and right hand has only one marriage line. Then what will be the prediction in those cases?

If the lady is right-handed, then the right hand has to be given more preference.

In those cases, two marriage lines in the particular female hand predict that the lady will unknowingly be influenced by another guy multiple times and two of them will be very heart melting. The subconscious mind will do that.

But, the conscious mind which is the right hand will prevent her and she will be attached to a single relationship or a single married life.

But, there is still a chance of 2 marriages due to the two marriage lines on the left hand. We can confirm if –

  1. The heart line on the right hand (of the lady) is broken or very short.
  2. If the single marriage line or influence line on the right hand is tilted over the heart line and ultimately touches the heart line, there is a chance of divorce or the death of a partner from the first marriage. That can also create a chance of a second marriage due to two marriage lines on that female hand.

Two similar marriage lines on both the female hands

If there are two marriage lines both are prominent and in both hands and both are with the same thickness and almost the same length, there could be two, marriage-like situations. But, check whether there is a prominent heart line and actual marriage line in the right hand.

  1. If the heart line is in good condition and
  2. both the parallel marriage lines (which are the lines of influence) do not touch the heart line,
  3. also, the Venus mount does not have excessive net signs
  4. also, the Venus mount does not have excessive net signs
  5. There are no forks at the tip of any of the marriage lines.

In those conditions, 2 marriage lines in female hand will not cause any second marriage of that lady.

If 2 parallel marriage lines are there with a heart line, and one single prominent marriage line and there is less net sign on Venus mount, the lady will continue a happy married life. But, sometimes she feels if it does not work, she may go for another marriage.

a second marriage or second relationship will be in her mind always, but that does not guarantee a second marriage or second relationship.

Then, at what condition a two marriage lines denote a second marriage? That we are going to discuss next.

Conditions when 2 marriage lines in female hands denote a second marriage?

A second marriage will be only possible if there is a chance of divorce or the death of a partner from the first marriage. So, to see the chances of a second marriage we need to find the chances of a break-up in the first marriage.

There are few conditions for this to have happened. If both hands have prominent, equally profound, and equal-length marriage lines, and the following conditions are fulfilled, there is a high chance of a second marriage.

The actual marriage line missing

if the actual marriage line near the thumb finger is missing. In that case, marriage life must be hectic, and if there is 2 marriage line in the palm of a lady, there is a high chance of a second marriage, and most probably second marriage will also have lots of trouble.

In this case, 2 marriage lines will make the lady always think about a second marriage and as the marriage life is painful for the lady, she will not like to be attached to it and try to make a second marriage.

Any of the marriage lines has a fork on the tip

If there is a fork on the tip of the marriage lines (influence line), that also signifies a break in the marriage life. It may cause a second marriage if there are 2 marriage lines in that lady’s hands.

The marriage line Touches the heart line.

If any of the parallel two marriage lines touch the heart line, there is the chance of the death of the partner or the divorce and detachment from the partner.

In that case, if there are 2 parallel marriage lines in the female palm, there is a high chance of a second marriage.

An excessive net sign on the Venus mount

Excessive net sign on venus mount signifies excessively strong sexual needs. Along with that, If the lady has any cross sign on any of the marriage lines. She will be always confused about her relationship or conjugal life.

So, in one side, her physical need is not getting fulfilled and on the other hand, she is confused, as a result she may make some extra-marital affairs and may go to another marriage.

what does two marriage lines mean

So, 1, 2, or 3 marriage lines can not say some prominent things about a marriage or a relationship. Palmistry is not like saying something about a hand or palm. It is about the prediction of the entire palm. I hope you understand what is the actual meaning of 2 marriage lines on female hand. good luck!


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