Best astrology combination to become a YouTuber?

astrology combination to become a YouTuber

You may have some talent, or you may want to be famous, but does your planet want the same? What if they want something else for you? That might be a more lucrative carrier than YouTube. If you had known this, you could have saved your time.

Well, everyone wants to be a YouTuber or social media influencer. But, the harsh truth is very small number of people can actually proceed with YouTube as a successful carrier.

That is why, before jumping into a career, it is best to know whether your planet supports the same career that you want to proceed with.

No need to consult any astrologer. Here, you will know what are the best astrology combinations to become a successful and famous YouTuber.

Planetary positions for making a career on YouTube

Before knowing the astrological combination to become a successful YouTuber, you should know what qualities are required for success in that field.

first of all, you should have an attractive personality. what does that mean? that means, when you say something, people listen carefully.

your situation should permit this carrier. For example, if your parents or friends don’t want you in this profession, they will always say some negative words regarding this in front of you. That will also obstacle to your YouTube career.

You have to be confident. You must have observed that all the YouTubers are confident and are not shy at all.

Now, you have to consider the planets and houses that can create your situation, and your personality and will make you a good speaker.

what are those planets responsible for making a YouTube carrier?

mostly, the Vanus and the moon are the main planets responsible for making a youtube carrier. But, reading the entire article line by line, you will learn what planetary position of the moon and Venus will make a person successful in becoming a YouTuber.

Which planet is responsible for making YouTube a carrier?

Although there are multiple planets responsible, prominently I can say Venus and the moon are the main two planets that will make a person a successful youtuber.

Also, Jupiter has to be in a good position. we observed that successful youtubers have Venus, the moon, and Jupiter in very good condition, at least they are not deliberated (neech).

But, what position of those planets will glow your social media career according to Vedic astrology? That we are going to discuss in the next paragraph.

Astrology Combinations of Planets and Houses for becoming a successful youtuber

Youtube is a type of social media as well as video platform. whatever planetary position we are going to mention here is also required to become a famous social media influencer.

here are the combinations

  1. Position of Lagna (first house)
  2. position of 3rd house
  3. position of 5th house
  4. position of moon

Position of Lagna for becoming a successful youtuber

This is the first criterion, that you should consider to be successful. Your Lagna means the first house of your birth chart that has to be strong enough.

the degree of the lagna should be within 8 degrees to 22 degrees. It denotes a strong lagna. Lagna is not the only thing to consider. It is required to be lucky and successful in life.

There should not be any deliberated planet in your lagna.

But, the best part is if the lagna has a good planet in uchcha or exalted condition.

Position of 3rd house and planets to start a successful youtube carrier

This is the most important combination you should consider to become a youtuber or social media influencer. If your lagna is not that good condition but you have an excellent third house you can still be a good youtuber.

3rd house in your birth chart is the house of computers, social media, digital platforms, communication, etc.

Now, if the lord of 3rd house is in the –

  1. 3rd house itself or in its own sign
  2. or, 5th house – the house of creativity, acting, media, big screen, cinema, etc
  3. or, 9th house – the house of fortune
  4. or, 10th house- the house of career, earning, etc
  5. or, 11th house – the house of gain, materialistic things, etc

that will make an excellent connection of becoming a successful YouTube carrier.

Not only that, if a load of 3rd house makes any connection with the 5th, 9th, 10th, 11th houses, or any one of these houses, that will also make a brilliant astrological combination of a successful youtube carrier.

Position of 5th house for becoming a famous YouTuber

If the lord of the 5th house is placed in 3rd house or and lord of 3rd house is in good condition or the 3rd house itself is in good condition that will create the same yoga for youtube carrier.

Position of Moon to be successful in youtube carrier

Moon makes a person famous or attractive to others.

if there is a connection between 4th house and the moon, that could be an excellent combination. It will make you famous or attractive to others. see the reference image below.

Best astrology combination to become a YouTuber

this connection could be like any type. But, it has to be there to become famous.

Another combination is also considered.

There should be a 5th house 11th house and moon combination. see the reference image below

Now, the question is if there is no such connection in your birth chart and you want to make a youtube career, then what should you do? How should you proceed?

In that case, look closely into your chart.

Where the 3rd house lord is situated into.

For example if the 3rd house lord is sitting in the 2nd house that means, you can start a food blog, because the 2nd house is the house of food, history, jewelry, gemstone, antiques, etc.

For that if the lord of 3rd house is sited into the 4th house that means you can start a channel on vehicle review or vehicle guide etc. because 4th house is the house of vehicles, cars, etc.

Basically, you have to check the connection between 3rd house and other houses.

Final words about the planetary position that boosts your youtube career according to astrology

finally, we understood that the moon, Venus, and Jupiter should be present in good condition in that birth chart, also there should be a connection between the 3rd, 5th, 10th, 9th, and 11th houses. Astrology is not to make you disappointed. It is to make your life better. Before jumping into anything, if you have an idea how much success you will get, it will be easy to decide how much time and effort should be given . I hope you understand what is the astrology combination to become a YouTuber.

Which planet is responsible for YouTube?

Moon, Venus, and Jupiter are the main three planets that are responsible for making a successful YouTube carrier. Moon and Venus make your personality attractive and Jupiter or Guru helps you to learn and deliver the skill.

What zodiac signs love social media?

We have observed that Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius are more comfortable with social media than the others. But, to become a successful social media influencer, the entire birth chart has to be analyzed.


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Hi! I am Suprabhat. I am an officer by profession and an astrologer by passion. I hope my articles will help you to predict your own future. But, if you want me to predict your future, you can contact me.

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