Broken head line on palm? 100% Genuine Prediction of Your Broken Head Line Palmistry.

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Broken head line on palm

Anything broken is always worrying, but is that true for your head lines? You might have heard many predictions about your broken head line on palm, but did anybody tell you that those broken lines can benefit you?

Not only that, there are many more positive predictions of broken head line palmistry.

Today, in this article, I will discuss all the different types of broken headlines on Palmistry and their pros and cons in detail so that you do not need to go to any other websites.

So, let’s go into the types of broken head line palmistry first and then dive into the predictions of broken headlines Palmistry.

What Does a Broken Head line Mean in Palmistry?

When there is one or more gaps(or gaps) within the head line on your palm that is called a broken head line. A broken head line is different from a split head line.

As a headline represents your thought process, a broken headline also represents a broken thought process. That’s why people get worried when they find one or multiple breaks in their headlines.

Here are the different types of broken head lines . Find which type of breaks you have.

How to Predict almost everything from your head line – nobody told before.

Types of broken head line on Palm

I observed different types of broken head lines on the palm. Here are some of them –

  1. Overlapping broken head line
  2. Broken Head Line on Palm with no Overlaps
  3. Star on the Head Line
  4. Repeatedly Broken Head Line (or headline broken into multiple pieces)

Palm Reading broken head line – all types explained

Overlapping Broken Head Line Palmistry

I observed many people having this type of overlapping broken headlines on their palms. That is quite common, too. But what do those headlines mean? Here are the predictions.

Palm Reading broken head line - Overlapping
Palm Reading broken head line – Overlapping

Overlapping broken headlines indicates the person must have a lack of concentration. That means the bearer cannot stick to a particular work or profession. They will always try to shift from one profession to another.

I can recall a situation involving Mr. Ajit from New Delhi. He mentioned to me that he had changed nearly 5 businesses within a year, all of which were unprofitable. I noticed that Mr. Ajit had overlapping broken headlines on his palm. And that’s why he was not able to focus.

There are multiple cases like Mr. Ajit in my career.

Not only the focus issues, but the person will also need more consistent thinking and higher analytical power. But that is okay.

This overlapping broken headline can make the bearer a good business person if they can manage their focus issues. This nature will allow him to understand things based on profit and loss only rather than going deep.

Merits and Demerits of overlapping broken head line on palm


  • Broken overlapping headline makes the person practical and business-minded.


  • The broken head line indicates a lack of focus and analytical power.
  • It also represents the frequent shifting nature which sometimes proved to be bad for the bearer.

So, that was the case of head lines broken but overlapped. But, there are many cases where the head lines are broken without overlapping. Let’s discuss those next.

Broken Head Line with no Overlaps

Broken head line with no overlaps means that the head line is broken and divided into two.

This is more severe than the cases of broken headlines with overlapping.

broken head line palmistry no overlap
broken head line palmistry no overlap

If the headline is broken into two parts and both are not overlapped, that means –

  1. It is possible that the person has experienced or will experience some form of head injury.
  2.  It also indicates the case of mental illness.
  3.  It can also suggest that anxiety or more severe trauma may cause brain damage to the bearer.

But those predictions can only happen if there is some negative signal on the lifeline or nails, too.

If the nails are faded in color or the lifeline has some negative signs like breaks, stars, chains, black dots, etc., then only the chance of head injury or mental illness can happen. Otherwise, this type of broken headline may only indicate stress and depression, which are two common partners in our modern life.

Star on the Broken Head Line

Star signs are considered to be quite bad in palmistry.

star on broken head line on palm
star on broken head line on palm

When there is one or more stars on the headline, that indicates

  1. The person may face some chances of accident and head injury
  2.  It also shows some severe mental illness.

But, all their severity depends on the lifeline. If there is any seriously detrimental sign on the lifeline, then only the star sign on the headline can be considered as bad. Otherwise, it won’t have any negative effects.

Not only the star sign on the palm, there are many other negative signs available on the palm. Next, we are going to discuss one of them, the repeatedly broken headline.

Repeatedly Broken Head Line on Palm

Unfortunately, it is not at all a good sign for the bearer.

repeatedly broken head line on palm
repeatedly broken head line on palm

Here are the predictions if the head line or mind line has multiple breaks –

  1. The bearer will have an unstable mind and will face a lack of concentration.
  2.  There will be a chance of poor memory and a lack of control over the mind.
  3.  The bearer of the repeatedly broken head line will shift from one profession to another very fast.

But, whatever prediction we made about different types of broken headlines can have no effect if there is any repairing sign on the head lien.

Here are some of the repairing signs for the negative effect of the broken headline.

How to Get Rid of the Detrimental Effect of Broken Head line Palmistry

Although the broken headline usually has a negative effect in most cases, some repair lines can protect the bearer from those negative effects.

If any of those repair lines are present on the person’s palm, they will be less likely to suffer misfortune due to the broken headline.

Here are some of the important lines on your palm that can protect you from the lethal effect of head lines.

Lines Making Squire on the Broken Head Line

If the broken head line makes any squire or squire-like shape, the negative effect of the broken head line is less likely to happen. That means those squires may protect the person from tress, depression, lack of focus even mental diseases.

Sister Lines Above the Broken Head Lines

Many times, I observed that the broken pieces of the head line are attached lightly by some very small, thin lines, which are called the sister lines.

Those sister lines may connect the broken pieces of the head lines so that the life current can flow well. This may neutralize the negative effect of the head line.

In those cases, the person may be protected from stress, mental illnesses, and or head-related issues.

Effects of the Bars present above the Head Line

In many cases, there may be no gaps or breaks in the head line on the palm, but multiple bars cut the headline, producing the same effect as a broken headline.

Usually, the bars on the head line indicate that the bearer may be extremely frustrated and that is why there is a problem of tension and depression.

Bars are not as bad as the breaks or gaps in the head line, but still, it has some negative effects. The placement of the bars also indicates the timing of the period of mental stress in his (or her) life.


Until now, we have become sure that broken headlines are not very beneficial. Of course, they may make you practical and help you move on when there is no chance of profit. Sometimes, people stick to a particular thing (or career) even though there is no chance of gaining, but that does not happen with people with broken headlines. In spite of that, in most cases, broken headlines have a detrimental effect on the individual. I hope this article will help you to predict a broken head line on palm.

Frequently Asked Question …

What does a broken head line mean in palmistry?

A broken headline refers to a head line with breaks or gaps. Most people have an intact headline with no gaps, but some people have a broken headline. Having a broken headline on your palm may indicate problems with concentration and focus. In rare cases, besides the broken head line, if there are negative signs on the lifeline and the fingers, it may indicate potential mental disorders or other mental issues in the future.

What is the meaning of broken head line in left hand

If the left hand has a broken headline, that means the person may have issues like obsession. Sometimes, the bearer may not be able to focus. This also indicates that even if there is nothing to worry about, the bearer is getting tensed without any point.

What is the meaning of broken head line below the mount of Saturn?

If your head line breaks just below Saturn’s mount, it signifies a shift in your perspective at the age of 35. It also gives some rare indications of a huge change in your life. If there is no protection line, such as sister lines, squires, overlaps, etc., then only these breaks can have negative effects; otherwise, there is nothing to worry about.


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Hi! I am Suprabhat. I am an officer by profession and an astrologer by passion. I hope my articles will help you to predict your own future. But, if you want me to predict your future, you can contact me.

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