Reveal The Secrets of Head Line in Palmistry with Images | Top 20 Types of Head lines and Prediction | Types of Head line in palmistry

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head line in palmistry - how to see head line on a palm

As the head is the body’s main organ, similarly, headline is the most important line of our palm. But the Internet is full of content on marriage lines, heart lines, love marriage predictions etc. Nobody is talking about the details of headlines in palmistry.

But, Don’t worry! I am here to give a complete prediction on different types of head lines in palmistry with relevant images.

The headline on your palm can predict multiple things about you, your nature, your future, and many more. What are those? Here are the list of things you can predict from your head line –

  1. your personality
  2. The thought process
  3. Intelligence
  4. Your life span
  5. Your career
  6. Mental issues
  7. Emotions and a practical mind
  8. Your confidence
  9. Your mental health
  10. Even, your life span

What is the Headline in Palmistry?

The line that runs horizontally from one corner of your palm to another corner is placed precisely in the middle of the three most prominent lines on your palm is marked as your head line. Here is the image of the line –

The headline runs across the middle of your palm and divides your palm into two segments – the upper segment and the lower segment.

The upper segment indicates the spiritual, ethical, and emotional mind in you, and the lower segment indicates the practical, materialistic, and creative mind. But, what is the meaning of this prediction?

See the image below to understand the concept of what is uper side and what is the lower side of your palm.

Suppose your headline moves toward the downside of your palm, more prominently toward the mount of the moon. What are the predictions for this position?

That means you will perform best in the creative field. If you work for your passion, you will achieve the highest goal in your life.
On the other hand, if the Headline goes towards the upper side of your palm, it means towards the mountain of mercury; money will be everything in your life.

But, if it moves towards the more and more upside and ultimately touches the heart line of your palm, you might be crazy for money. This craziness can be highest if your palm is more expanded and flat and your thumb is immensely expanded, making you do anything for money, even illegal activity.

Types of Head lines in Palmistry and their Predictions

Island Sign on Plam

Island signs are considered to be bad in palmistry. If it is present on any mounts and lines on your palm, that indicates the negative sign.

If your head line has at least one island sign and the headline is tilted towards the mount of the moon, that indicates –
you may tend to harm yourself.

But why does it happen?

The island sign indicates the stop signal for a line and when it is on the head line, that also indicates the end of that line.


But remember, please do not take those indications or any predictions too seriously. This is just according to palmistry, and palmistry does not have any direct scientific evidence. So, consider those predictions just for fun and knowledge only.

Head line and Life line not joined | separated life line and Head line

life line and head line are not joined
life line and head line are not joined

separated lifeline and head line is not much common head line in palmistry. But, there are some people who have this type of combination.

Here are the predictions for not joined life line and head line in palmistry.

  • It may lead to taking unnecessary risks in your life.
  • Most of the time, you make decisions without much planning and thinking.
  • This unpredictable risk-taking nature makes you trapped in many problems in your life.
  • If there is a narrow gap between your lifeline and headline, you will take opinions from others but only do whatever you want.
  • If there is a huge gap between your lifeline and headline, you refrain from taking opinions from others. You do not like your family to interfere in your life. You will not even listen to your father. This huge gap is not considered to be good at all.

Head line and life line joined | Attached head line and life line

head line and life line are joined
head line and life line are joined : Head line in Palmistry

If there is no gap between your lifeline and head line, both the lines are attached to each other at the starting point, which means –

  1. You are a tradition-following person.
  2.  Your relationship with your father will be very good.
  3.  You will not go against your family. Your family is everything for you.
  4.  If there is a gap between the lifeline and the headline, but there is still an adjoining line between those, you will have the result of joined lines.
  5.  If you are from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, or Sri Lanka and you have this type of joined line, there is a very high chance that you may have an arranged marriage in life. But remember love marriage and arranged marriage predictions should be made from the other important lines.
  6.  The attached lines may make you a shy and excessively careful person. You may not like to take risks at all. This may lead you to lose many chances and opportunities.

Read More: Will you have a love marriage or arranged marriage – predict from your palm

Short Head Line in Palmistry Prediction

Usually, the head line starts from one side and goes up to the other side of the palm. But, many people have a shorter headline that only goes up to the middle of the palm. Sometimes, it only goes below the middle finger or the ring finger only.

See the image below to understand what a short head line looks like –

Short Head Line in Palmistry Prediction

I observed many persons with short headlines. A brief headline does not necessarily mean the person will have a short mind or memory.

If you have a short headline, despite that, you can be intelligent and successful. The size of the headline only determines your mental strength and how much you can take a cognitive load.

So, if you have a headline with a short size, that means –

  1. You will always have practical thinking. You do not make things complicated.
  2.  You are the person with no analysis. Things are either black or white for you, not grey.
  3.  You may be good in business. Short headline people mostly believe in results. They do not think much about other things.
  4.  Many times, you love to take many shortcuts.
  5.  You are not a person with long-term thoughts. You prefer to invest money in short-term stocks only.
  6. Occasionally, taking shortcuts can lead you into trouble.
  7. You may have a lack of long-term vision.

If a line from your short headline goes towards the mount of mercury or sun, this can make you passionate about money and make you rich.

But, what if you have the long head line? That we are going to explain next.

Long Head line in Palmistry Prediction

You are a luckier person if you have a very long or medium-long headline. A long headline indicates the potential to do extreme brain work and deep understanding.

Long Head line in Palmistry Prediction

Here are the predictions if you have a long headline in palmistry.

  1. You are very good at understanding the details.
  2.  You always love to learn new things. You are passionate about learning.
  3.  You are very logical and always trapped in overthinking.
  4.  You love to take challenges and use your brain to find solutions.
  5.  If you have a long headline, you will be a doctor, teacher, scientist, accountant, or any professional work that needs expertise and detailed study.
  6. You cannot make quick decisions. That’s why you often lose opportunities. However, due to your analytical capabilities, you again get huge opportunities in life.
  7.  Your long headline will slowly make you rich. That means you may become rich at the age of 35 and next.

Here are some advantages and disadvantages if you have a long head line in your palm. Here are those –


  • The long headline always gives a deeply analytical and futuristic approach to the person.
  • You are born to do extraordinary things in life.


  • If you have this long headline, you may be trapped in the knowledge-gathering stage. You must leave this stage and take the necessary action to implement it.

I hope you understood the predictions if you have the long headline in palmistry. But, if your headline goes towards the mount of the moon, there will be a different prediction. Next, we are going to discuss that. 

Head line Reaching Moon Mount

If your head line reaches the moon mount, then no need to see the length of it. There will be similar results for both cases, whether it is very long or medium long.

The moon is the factor of emotion, feelings, thoughts, and desire. When your head line (mind line) goes towards the mount of the moon, your mind will be influenced by the factors of the moon. what does that mean?

Head line Reaching Moon Mount

That means, your mind will give more importance to creativity, emotions, feelings etc.

If you have this type of head line in palmistry, here are the predictions for you –

  1. You want to have success with your own capabilities.
  2. You do not want to do jobs under any authority. You want to do something on your own (business/self-employed/freelancing etc)
  3. You are born to create, not to follow conventional things. That’s why anything that has excessive discipline or restrictions you don’t like to do that at all.
  4. Those fields where you can follow your own passion and interest, are the best for you.
  5. If you do business, any business related to water, food, travel, import exports, connecting people, wedding or ceremony related, writing, publications, social media, etc are good for you.
  6. If your headline is tilted towards the mount of the moon and the tip of the line is forked into two, there will be a high chance of you being a singer, artist, actor, or any related profession.


  • You are independent and creative
  • You only believe in results.
  • You are best in those fields where there is a huge scope for learning
  • This makes the person emotional with a logical understanding
  • It is very good for making other people convinced.
  • Nobody can stop you if you start doing the work you love.


  • You may have the chance of being depressed and even sometimes that can cause mental disabilities.
  • You should be always busy in work, otherwise, you can be depressed very easily.
  • You will be very bad in those careers where the scope of learning is limited.

So, it was the prediction if you have the headline touching the mount of the moon. But, what if you have a broken head line?

Next, we are going to discuss that part.

Broken head line in Palmistry | Predictions if you have the Break in Head Line

I’ve noticed that many people have a break in their head line. Some have a distinct break, while others have two head lines that overlap, giving the appearance of a break. In both cases, there are significant predictions to consider.

If your head line is broken into two or multiple pieces, the life current will not flow properly through this line.

– Cheiro

The age of break in the headline represents the age of the loss of concentration, self-control and lack of mental stability at that particular age.

This age of the break in head line also represents the age of illness. But, to predict that correctly, you need to see the life line, structure of nails etc very carefully.

But, based on my experience, individuals with a broken headline often have an indecisive nature and a tendency to be nervous.

If you have one or more breaks in your head line, it means –

  1. You will have a strong depression attack. Most of the time, you will be under mental stress.
  2.   If you can manage your stress, you can outperform others easily. That can bring success in your life.
  3.   If your palm is not of white/blue/ black color, this broken headline does not mean mental retardation. Otherwise, it can represent a problem in your nervous system.
  4.   If there are other bad signs like a star on the headline or the island sign on the headline, together with the break in the headline, they represent a chance of a mental breakdown.
  5.   This broken headline may also represent unwanted misfortune, head injury, or accidents.
  6.  This broken headline can sometimes reduce your ability to align with your situation. That can make you suffocate or disturbed mentally.
  7.   If there is a break under the Saturn mount and the heart line, head line, and lifeline all are merged, there is a very high chance that the person can harm himself before the age of 40. The same type of palm lines were observed in the palm of famous actor Sushant Singh Rajput.
  8.  This broken headline many times leads to a need for more attention and focus. I observed many people with this broken headline change their businesses repeatedly. They can’t stick to a single company.
  9.  The break timing on that line also represents the time of changes in your thoughts.

Whatever type of break in your head line has, it will represent the mental stress and difficulties to adjust in your work environment are common. I hope you understand the prediction if you have a broken head line.

But, that’s not all. Many people have a branch on the tip of their head line, also called the forked head line. Let’s discuss the results if you have that type of forked headline.

Prediction of Forked Head Line in Palmistry

If you have the fork on the tip of your head line that could represent multiple probabilities.

If the size of the fork on your palm is small and not very prominent, that only represents the versatile talent in you.

On the other hand, if the branch on the head line is long enough and prominent, that means

  1. you are a person with well-balanced logical thoughts and imagination
  2. You are smart to convince any person with your excellent speaking abilities.
  3. You are also good at making lies. You love to make stories with the help of your imagination.

Read more: Know the secrets of forked (branched) head line that nobody tells.

Prediction of Star on Head Line in Palmistry

Any star sign -on any position of the headline is considered as malefic in palmistry.

The electric light on the head line does not produce brilliancy, but explosion.


If you have any star sign on the head line of your palm, that indicates –

  1. You may have the chance of mental retardation. But that does not mean you must have, but there are probabilities.
  2.  This type of star sign on the headline indicates a chance of sudden death or apoplexy which may cause a brain stroke.
  3.  That also shows the chance of paralysis or schizophrenia. But other signs must be taken into account.

Island on Head Line Palmistry Prediction

Island sign is considered to be bad in palmistry. The island sign basically indicates the stop signal for the life current flowing through the line.

if your heart line has one or more island sign, that indicates –

  1. A chance of mental disorders.

Should You Be Worried by this Palmistry Prediction?

Palmistry is not a proven science, but many people believe that it works. However, the exact mechanism behind it is unknown.

As a science enthusiast, I have observed that palmistry seems to work, but I recommend not taking its predictions too seriously. If there is cause for concern, it’s best to take precautions and remain careful. That’s it.


What is the prediction of no head line in palmistry?

I observed many people who still need a headline. That is, of course, a rare indication, but it is not impossible. You need a poor concentration level to have a single good line in both hands. You need to improve in focusing. Palm without headlines also indicates the chance of mental disorders.


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Hi! I am Suprabhat. I am an officer by profession and an astrologer by passion. I hope my articles will help you to predict your own future. But, if you want me to predict your future, you can contact me.

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