Is astrology 100% true? How much reliable is that for marriage, career, education, and every aspect of life? Science Vs Astrology

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is astrology 100% true

Is astrology 100% true or fake, this question comes into mind when some astrologers make unexpected predictions that you don’t want to happen. Is not that true? Believe me, It is a common human nature, and I understand it.

I was shocked when I first time saw the Pew Research Data 2018, which says that 29% of American youths believe in astrology. This data is sufficient to answer whether astrology is genuine or fake. 

What do you think – why are these modern, educated young Americans becoming believers in astrology? Is that 29% of Americans are so foolish that they believe in a fake science or pseudo-science? 

Today, I will clarify your doubts about the genuineness of astrology.

First, do you know any technology or science gadget to predict your future? The answer is no. If, in that case, something is giving you a future prediction, even if it is about 80 – 90% correct, then what’s wrong to believe?

Yes, astrology or astrological predictions are not 100% accurate. If a genuine, experienced astrologer makes 100 predictions according to your birth chart, 90 out of 100 predictions come true. Sometimes, even 100 out of 100 predictions proved to be correct.

If you consider the other ancient beliefs like religion, they all were created to improve human life. Of course, those beliefs had no logic, but at that time, it was the only way to save people’s lives. At least it created some lights in complete darkness. And we all agree that something is better than nothing.

Today, the situation is the same for astrology. As there is no other way to predict the future, we must depend on an ancient concept. If a time machine is invented, there will be no need for astrology.

Is there any science behind the astrological predictions?

The answer is no. It is neither a science nor a pseudo-science. But, there are strong logic and observations behind astrological predictions. 

The basic concept of astrology is based on philosophy, which is the ancient version of science. How could we expect a concept invented during the 3rd millennium BC (which means 2001 BC to 3000 BC) to be scientifically correct? 

Not only that, if we look into the fundamental grammar of astrology, there are many things that a 4th standard student could say need to be corrected. For example, the sun and moon are all considered planets here. Even some aspects and interactions between them are against the neutron law of gravity.

So, it is 100% certain that astrology is totally against science. But, the astrological predictions are correct. Here is the actual trick that comes into the picture. That we are going to answer next.

Is astrological predictions are 100% correct? Is astrology 100% true

Is astrology 100% true

Well, only sometimes 100%, but yes, they are correct, at least up to a certain level. Now, how do some in-scientific logics give correct predictions?

Yes, that is possible. Is the law of attraction true? Does that work? Most of you will say that yes, that is true. If I give you a laboratory to prove that, could you able to prove it? The answer will be no, you can not. 

My point is that many more things are true without a scientific explanation. 

astrology and science : Is astrology 100% true

When Albert Einstein first spoke about the theory of relativity, many people said it was a pseudo-science. But today, we know that it is science. Astrology is very similar to the theory of relativity. How?

The concept of relativity says that if two buses run in the same direction at the same speed, passengers from each bus will see the other bus as static. But, both the buses have movements. This means their relative speed became zero.

Astrology also says alike. It is correct as per the situation. 

If an astrologer says you will be successful, there must be some chances. But, what level of success is different for different people?

For some people, making money and buying a car means success, while others say that doing something you want to do in life means success. Also, some people feel happy with $30000 a month, while few want to make hundreds of thousands a month. Basically, success is a relative matter.

Many children were born when Jeff Bezos was born, meaning they should have similar birth charts and lead similar lives. They may encounter equal challenges and opportunities at similar times, but some variations may still exist.

Why similar birth charts do not give similar results? Here, the concept of genes comes into the picture. Two people with different genetic structures will behave differently on the same opportunity. That is why the rate of success in their career will be different. 

Two people with the same birth chart (means, date, and time of birth) give different results in their careers, marriages, etc. That difference comes due to their genes. That is why I told you earlier that astrology is true and gives correct results but is not 100% accurate.

That difference comes into the amount of anything. Everything will happen according to the natal or birth chart, but the amount could differ.

So, how correct are the astrological predictions?

Although there is no such straight rule, being an astrologer enthusiast, I can share with you my personal experiences. Here is the answer to your question of whether astrology is true or fake and how correct it is. 

TableLevel of accuracy
Marriage time prediction97 – 100%
Details of life partner and in-laws90 – 95%
Quality of married life (divorce, partner death, single marriage, etc)80 – 85%
Type of career (job, business, etc)95 – 98%
Timing of career (time of getting a new job, promotion, loss in business, etc)85 – 90%
Timing of career (time of getting a new job, promotion, loss in business, etc)96 – 99%
Timing of career (time of getting new job, promotion, loss in business, etc)97 – 100%
Misfortune (like an accident, hospitalization, etc)90 – 95 %
How much astrology is correct in marriage, career, and prediction of time for misfortune?

Is there any logic behind astrology?

Yes. 100%. It is not science, but it has philosophical logic. I will explain that.

But, before that point, let me tell you something about myself. I have been a very logical and science-enthusiastic person since childhood. Besides, I always believe that certain things are invisible to our naked eyes and keep my inner eyes on them.

I have a college degree in Microbiology and a University degree in Biotechnology. At present, I am working for the government’s health department. In summary, I am a science person. But, still, I believe in astrology because I found many logic behind this belief.

It is important to understand that the stars and planets referred to in astrology are not the actual stars and planets. They are some elements of the universe or life. We all have those elements either inside us or outside.

They can control us or our situations.

The ancient astrologers used to believe that the world is a network of some chains of time. If a person takes birth at a particular time, they start walking from that point through the particular chain of time or path.

The effect of stars and planets on a particular path is fixed for a path. So, all the people who will give birth at that time will have to go through that path, and they will all have to face opportunities and obstacles simultaneously.

But, although they all will have to go through the same path, they will have some differences in their genes. They will perform a little differently with the same obstacles and opportunities.


Is Astrology Real or Fake

Being a science professional and astrology enthusiast, I can say that ancient Vedic astrology can’t be fake. Only the astrologers could be fake. The astrologers say something that would help them sell some gemstones, rudraksha, astrology rings, etc. Selling these products is more profitable than simply predicting the future. Astrology has become a business, and astrologers are businessmen or shopkeepers. So, do not believe on an astrologer’s mouth speech. Consult a second opinion.

Is astrology true for marriage?

Yes, astrology is true for marriage. But, not 100%. If you ask an astrologer whether you will have a love marriage or an arranged marriage, most of them will predict it wrong. Because there is no proper boundary that can separate Love and Arranged marriage. But if you ask about the profession of your spouse, they can predict it very correctly. Astrology only gives you some ideas about your future. It is not a time machine. So, those ideas will help you to get mentally prepared for the coming incidents.

Can astrology predictions be wrong?

Yes. Sometimes astrological predictions proved to be wrong. But, most of the time, if the astrologer is well experienced and makes the prediction with good faith, 80-95% time it proves to be correct.


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Hi! I am Suprabhat. I am an officer by profession and an astrologer by passion. I hope my articles will help you to predict your own future. But, if you want me to predict your future, you can contact me.

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