Will You Have Love or Arrange Marriage Palmistry Prediction

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love or arrange marriage palmistry prediction

Are you looking for love or arrange marriage palmistry prediction? Don’t be shy. It is very normal. You are not alone; many Indian youths are crazy to know whether they will have a love marriage or an arranged marriage.

Don’t worry, palmistry has the correct answer to your question.

Search these 9 signs in your hand. According to palmistry, if you have any of these signs or symbols on your palm, there will be a high chance of your love marriage. Otherwise, it would help if you went for an arranged marriage.

  1. ✅You should have only one, straight, prominent, very long marriage line. If you have multiple, at least one should be very long.
  2. ✅Your heart line should touch your Jupiter mount.
  3. ✅Search, if your marriage line has a branch at its base.
  4. ✅Find, whether your sunline has a branch at its base.
  5. ✅Your mind line and lifeline should not be attached at its base.
  6. ✅A line from your mount of the moon should touch your fate line.
  7. ✅Search your Jupiter mount for a cross or swastika sign
  8. ✅Your mount of Venus should be swelled, soft, and without excessive net signs.
  9. ✅If you have a forked heart line with one branch touching Jupiter and another branch touching the Saturn mount, you will be able to convince your family for the love marriage.

Love or Arrange Marriage Palmistry Prediction – Authenticity of prediction

If you have someone in your heart, it is most obvious that you must be crazy to marry the person. But, in many cases the couple can not marry due to their family and relatives. Even some times, the crazy relationship does not work well and it is broken up with many unslept nights, and lots of tears.

In my long astrological career, I observed many cases where a long 10 or 12-year strong relationship had just broken the day before their marriage. Why did it happen?

Do you have any explanation of those incidents? I think you don’t. But, astrology or palmistry has an explanation.

Although palmistry or astrology is not 100% accurate, still you can rely on the predictions up to a certain level.

There are many signs and symbols, on your palm that can correctly predict, whether you may have a love marriage or an arranged marriage, the quality of your marriage life, your love life, partner, divorce, consequences of your present relationship, and many more.

Here are some of the important lines and mounts in you palm, that could say about your marriage.

Important Lines and Mounts for Love or Arrange Marriage Prediction in Palmistry

For any type of marriage prediction, you need to look into a few important lines and mounts on your palm. Here are the important lines and mounts for love or arrange marriage palmistry prediction

ImageName of the Lines & MountsDetail
Marriage Line

Marriage Line

  • The line under the pinky finger
Heart line

Heart line

  • The line determine your love and emotion
Fate line

Fate line

  • The line that determine your luck


  • Lifeline indicates the length and quality of your life
Mind line

Mind line

  • The mind line indicates your logical mind


  • This line indicates your leadership, relation with the government, etc.
Jupiter mount

Jupiter mount

  • The swelled region is just below your index finger. This region indicates all the goodness in your life.
Saturn Mount

Saturn Mount

  • The swelled region below the middle finger of your Palm
Moon Mount

Moon Mount

  • The amount that indicates the emotions in your mind.

Confirm Signs and Symbols For Love or Arrange Marriage Palmistry Prediction

There are some important signs and symbols that can correctly predict your marriage, especially whether you will have a love marriage or an arranged marriage.

A smooth Marriage line is a sign of Love Marriage

If your marriage line has the following signs and qualities, like

  • The marriage line is prominent and with good length.
  • Only a single marriage line is present there.
  • The line is straight, and there are no curves at all. or,
  • There are no cross signs, moles, or cut signs present on your marriage line.
love or arrange marriage palmistry longer marriage line
love or arrange marriage palmistry prediction in case of a longer marriage line

If your marriage line ( line of affection) has these signs and symbols, there is a solid chance that you will have a love marriage or at least a long-term strong love relationship.

Even you can get your partner anywhere, like bus, train, cafe, social media, etc. You will be attached to each other very soon, and the love will be converted to marriage.

So, the marriage line alone can sufficiently indicate your love marriage.

A different scenario could be observed if the marriage line is not in a good position. Here is the case number 2 regarding this.

A Shorter Marriage Line

If you have a comparatively shorter and straight or curved marriage line, you can still fall in love like a person with a longer, clean, clear marriage line.

love or arrange marriage palmistry for short marriage line
love or arrange marriage palmistry for short marriage line

But, the shorter marriage line will not let you get married to your loved one. Maybe you had a perfect relationship, but when it is a matter of marriage, you may start thinking something different! Even if the marriage date is fixed, relatives are already informed, but the lead actor, that is, you, is confused.

You may start thinking, “Am I making the right decision?” or “Well, the relationship was ok, but should I spend my entire life with this person?” These questions may haunt you and you may break the marriage at the last moment.

How Heart Line Can Determine Your Marriage

The next important line that can alone give the signal of whether you will have a love marriage or an arranged marriage is your heart line. If you can not recognize your heart line, see the image below to identify the heart line on your palm.

love or arrange marriage palmistry
Important mounts and line on palm for love marriage.

Now, this heart line alone can predict whether you will have a love or an arranged marriage. How?
The heart line is the symbol of your emotions and emotional decisions. On the other hand, your Saturn controls your logical mind.

Now if your heart line is connecting with your Saturn, that means your logical mind will dominate your emotional mind in love. This may cause harm to your love relationship.

But, an opposite scenario can be observed in the case of Jupiter. Your Jupiter makes anything in your life excellent (in many instances, Jupiter can make things terrible, but those are exceptional cases).

If your heart line is connecting with your Jupiter, that means you will have the blessings of Jupiter in your emotional matters (or love-related matters). So, that will enhance and protect your relationship with your loved one.

Let’s understand all these situations to clarify love or arrange marriage palmistry.

A Heart line touching the mount of Saturn

Suppose, your heart line is long enough and touching the below portion of your middle finger, in that case, we can say your heart line is touching the Saturn mount of your palm.

If you find it difficult to understand what I said, you can see the image below.

love marriage or arrange marriage palmistry
love marriage or arranged marriage palmistry for those who have the heart line touching their Saturn mount

Suppose your heart line is long enough and touching the below portion of your middle finger; in that case, you can say your heart line is touching the Saturn mount of your palm.

You can see the image below if you find it challenging to understand what I said. So, as it is making a connection between your heart line and your Saturn, it will make you logical and practical in love relationships. That means –

  1. You will do the love relationship with analytical aspects
  2.  This may lead you to search for the logic behind your partner’s behavior.
  3.  There will always be quarrels because love needs an emotional mind, not a practical mind.

As a result, your partner will not like to stay with you. You will probably have a terrible breakup, and you shall finally go for an arranged marriage.

Heart Line Touching the Mount of Jupiter

If your heartline touches the mount of Jupiter, your emotions will get blessings from your Jupiter. The results will be –

  1. You will have an excellent love relationship.
  2. There will be a solid bond with your partner.
  3. You will always be loyal to your partner.
  4. You will love your partner for the entire life.
  5. There is a very high chance that you will have a love marriage.
  6. If you cannot love marriage for some family or social reason, even that can not stop your love. You will love your wife like an unmarried couple after marriage.

But, what if you have a forked heart line at the tip? There will be some dramatic results.

How a forked heart line can determine your marriage ?

I observed many people having their heart line forked at its top. See the image below for reference –

forked heart line and love marriage

In those cases, the result can be different.

If your heart line is making a small fork above the Jupiter mount, it will give the same results as the heart line touches Jupiter mount
without a fork. Here are the predictions –

  • 1. You may have a perfect balance of practicality and emotions.
  • 2. If you have a love relationship, there will be a very high chance of a love marriage in your life.

But, what about the people with a big fork at the tip of their heart line?

If you have a heart line with a big fork and one branch goes horizontally and another branch goes vertically
towards the Jupiter mount, that means –

forked heart line marriage prediction palmistry
Heart line with a big fork and one branch goes horizontally and another branch goes vertically
  1. Due to the two branches in the heart line, you will have a combination of uncontrolled and controlled emotions. You will be very sensible for your partner but on the other hand, you understand the present situation with practicality.
  2. You may feel excessive possessiveness due to the horizontal heart line.
  3. Your excessive possessiveness may cause regular quarrels with your partner.
  4. This horizontal line will also prevent you from having a love marriage.
  5. On the other hand, the vertical line that goes towards the heart line will bring the blessing of Jupiter into your love life. This vertical line will protect your relationship.
  6. in conclusion, this big forked heart line will let you love marriage and will also give you a happy married life.

So, heart alone can give strong predictions about your love and arrange marriage palmistry

Excessive Long and Straight Vertical Heart Line

If you have an excessively long heart line, that can start from one side of the palm and goes upto the another side, that could be considered as the excessively long heart line. See the image below –

long heart line will not let you do love marriage, palmistry
long heart line will not let you do love marriage, palmistry

Now, if you have this type of heart line on your palm, there will be the effect of uncontrolled emotions in you. So –

  1. You will remain attached to a Romeo and Juliet type relationship.
  2. You will have the craze to do anything for your love.
  3. You will be best at making love and romance.
  4. But, this excessively long heartline may make you an excessively possessive person.
  5. Your possessiveness will irritate your partner and that will cause regular fighting between you.
  6. You will have a very strong deep romantic relationship but the relationship will not be converted into marriage due to your possessiveness. If anyhow you guys go for the love marriage that will be probably unsuccessful. But, if you have other signs and symbols well placed then your arranged marriage can be very successful.

Love or Arrange Marriage Palmistry Prediction from life line

Mind line and Life line are attached

A successful love marriage always needs the guts to go against the family.

Family and relatives usually do not like love marriages in India, but when you are determined to marry your loved one, you must go against them. There is no other option left.

But, if your lifeline and mind line are attached like the image – then the love or arrange marriage palmistry will say something unbelievable –

Prediction of love or arrange marriage palmistry life line
Prediction of love or arrange marriage palmistry from lifeline
  1. you are the person who loves to obey family decisions and family advice.
  2. You are the person who loves to follow family trends and traditions.
  3. You have the mentality to compromise anything for your family’s respect and reputation.

That is why if your lifeline and mind line is attached at the starting point, you would not like to go against the family, and you will finally go for the arranged marriage.

If you and your partner’s palm are free from bad signs, there will be a strong chance that your arranged marriage will be successful.

Mind line and Life line are separated from each other

If your mind line and life line are separated from each other at the beginning where the lines are starting from, that will create some qualities in you –

life line can determine whether you have a love marriage or arrange marriage
lifeline can determine whether you have a love marriage or arranged marriage
  1. You are always ready to do things whatever you want in your life.
  2.  This arrogance will help you go against your family regarding love-related matters.
  3.  If you fall in love, you will do anything to get your loved one as your life partner.
  4.  If you have a strong relationship, you will make your parents agree with you for the love today. Whatever their opinion is, you will do the love marriage at last. There is a high probability that your love marriage to be successful.
  5. If, at least a thin line is joining these two prominent lines, that also indicates that you will have a love marriage but with permission from the family.

Additional Signs and symbols for Love marriage or Arrange marriage Palmistry Prediction

Besides those important signs and symbols, there are some more additional signs I found to be present on the palms of people who used to do love marriages. Here are those useful signs and symbols that can indicate your love or arrange marriage palmistry.

cross sign on the Jupiter mount

If there is at least a cross sign on the Jupiter mount of your palm, that indicates a very strong chance of your love marriage. See the image below for reference –

how cross sign on Jupiter can say your love or arrange marriage palmistry
how the cross sign on Jupiter can say your love or arrange marriage palmistry

Swastika sign: love marriage or arrange marriage Palmistry prediction

Yes, if you have the swastika sign () above the Jupiter mount, that is considered to be excellent. This sign indicates a successful love marriage.

Here is the image to understand the concept.

swastika sign on jupiter mount indicate love marriage
The swastika sign on Jupiter’s mount indicates love marriage

The fate line also indicates the chances of a love marriage

If a line, starting from the mount of the moon goes and attaches to your fate line, that also indicates another strong probability of love marriage. If you already have a relationship, there will be a strong chance that you will get married to your loved one.

Here is the image to understand the concept.

how fate line indicate love marriage
how the fate line indicates high chances of love marriages

A Branch on the Marriage line also indicates Love Marriage

If you have a branch at the root of your marriage line, that indicates a love marriage too.

If there are multiple lines below the pinky finger, then consider the most prominent line as the marriage line and search for the branch on that line only.

Basically, the small line of the branch indicates a love relationship in your life, and the prominent line of the branch indicates your marriage. Now, as the small line is connecting with the prominent line that means your love relation can be converted into a marriage.

Here is the image to understand the concept.

branch on marriage line indicate love marriage
branch on the marriage line: another indication of love marriage

A Branch on Sunline indicates the love marriage

If you have the branch at the base of your prominent sun line, that also enhances the probability of your love marriage. Here is the image for your understanding

a branched sun line can determine a successful love marriage
a branched sun line can determine a successful love marriage

How to do a love marriage prediction by palmistry?

There are some love marriage symbols in palmistry. These are the love marriage symbols –

  1. you should have at least one very long and prominent straight marriage line.
  2. Your heart line should touch Jupiter mount prominently
  3. There should be a gap between the mind line and the lifeline.
  4. You should have a very good Venus mount.
  5. Your marriage line should have a branch at its base.
  6. Your sun line should also have a branch
  7. You may have at least one cross sign or swastika sign on the Jupiter mount.

If your right palm(for male) or left palm(for female) has any three signs of these, then there will be a very high chance of a successful love marriage.

Even if you have only one long, straight marriage line and your heart line touches the Jupiter mount, those two signs are sufficient to predict a love marriage. Of course, these two lines should be free from negative signs.

How many Chances of love marriage in Palmistry?

If you have a very prominent and deep heartline and only one straight and long marriage line (also called affection line), and also have a well-developed venus mount there will be more than 90% chances of love marriage, according to Palmistry. Besides, if you have the cross or swastika sign on the Jupiter mount, the chances of love marriage will be enhanced.

But, remember, palmistry does not give a 100% guarantee of its genuineness, but still you can have an idea about your marriage from this prediction.


Marriage is your decision whether you go for a love marriage or an arranged marriage. Although there was a huge difference between love marriage and arranged marriage, now times have changed. The entire scenario for arranged marriage has changed in the last ten years. The ” love ” factor is also essential for an arranged marriage. In the latest arranged marriages, the groom and bride talk to each other for a few months after the family meeting. If they start liking each other, then only they agree to the marriage.

But, even today, love marriage requires enormous sacrifice, emotions, and persistence. So, when predicting the possibilities of love marriage, we search for the sign of those qualities in the candidate’s palm. Finally, I advise you not to take these predictions too seriously because palmistry can’t guarantee the genuineness of these predictions.


Love marriage line in female hand right or left hand to check?

For all types of palmistry prediction, the right palm and left both have to be taken into consideration. But, in the case of love marriage or arranged marriage prediction, you should check the left hand of the female and the right hand of the male.

Love marriage line in male hand

Love marriage line in male hand

For the male hand, you need to check the right palm for marriage prediction. Check for three signs – 1. whether the palm has a single and long marriage line without any negative sign. 2. whether the heart line is touching the Jupiter mount. 3. Is there a space between the lifeline and the mind line starting point? If the palm has all these three signs, then there is a high chance of love marriage.

Love marriage line in female hand

female hand love marriage sign in palmistry

However, for any prediction both hands have to be inspected, but, in the case of marriage prediction, you need to look into the left hand of the female. You need to check three important signs on the palm – 1. Is there a single, long, and prominent marriage line? 2. Is the heart line touching the Jupiter mount, 3. whether the lifeline and mind lines are separated from each other?

Which line indicates love marriage in palmistry?

Your marriage line should be straight and long enough, your heart line should touch the Jupiter mount. Besides, your venus mount should be swelled and there should be a gap in between your lifeline and the mind line on your palm.


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Hi! I am Suprabhat. I am an officer by profession and an astrologer by passion. I hope my articles will help you to predict your own future. But, if you want me to predict your future, you can contact me.

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