Male and female second marriage line in hand

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Male and female second marriage line in hand

Sometimes, a second marriage line on our partner’s hand or on our own hand makes us tensed to think whether our partner will cheat or not! Will these two marriage lines cause another marriage?

This type of thought is common and normal for a normal human. But, the truth is totally different from what we know. Of course, many of us don’t want a second marriage but sometimes a second marriage is good.

A person who is in a bad marriage can only understand the pain of it. A second marriage could give the guy/lady a second chance to make it fruitful.

But, the million-dollar question is whether a second marriage line in hand could be a reflection of a second marriage in life. The answer is YES. A 2nd marriage line in a palm could say many things about your marriage, but, not guarantee a second marriage. It reflects many other aspects.

But, Before knowing the second marriage line in the female hand or in the male hand, we should know what exactly the marriage line is.

Myths about marriage lines or 2nd marriage line

Many of us know that YouTube and Google are full of content where it is shown that the small lines beneath the pinky finger (small finger) are the marriage lines. If there are two marriage lines means there is a chance of a second marriage.

see one popular website they are also telling the same. here is the screenshot.

But, this is not true. What you call a marriage line is not a marriage line at all.

If we consider the ancient Vedic palmistry, it was mentioned that these lines beneath the pinky fingers (little fingers) are marriage lines. but, today the meaning of marriage has changed.

Those lines actually indicate how your heart will feel for the opposite sex.

That’s why it is better to name the marriage line as the Influence line or lust line. This means, how many times you will be deeply influenced by others.

That influence/love could be created after marriage or before marriage, anything could happen. but in ancient times, the possibility of a love/influence could happen only after marriage and only with the spouse.

These influence lines could indicate a marriage or a relationship or just a lust for someone. When we consider the marriage of a person, we consider these lines too. However, they are not the dominant line to calculate marriage in the present time.

Types of Marriage lines in palmistry

there are two types of marriage lines in palmistry

  1. Line of influence or old marriage line
  2. Actual marriage line

Ok, fine. Then what is the actual marriage line or what about the 2nd marriage line present beneath the pinky finger in some people’s hands? Here is the answer.

What is the actual marriage line in Palmistry?

As per modern astrology and palmistry, marriage depends on many things. In short marriage and second marriage both are quite complex topics. But, here we have simplified this complex compound.

Which line on your palm indicates a successful marriage?

The actual marriage line is that line that starts from the headline (mind line) and goes towards the thumb and back of the palm. you can see the picture below.

This marriage line indicates the marriage of a person will take place or not. If this line is present on a palm, that means the person will get married. Also, there must be a prominent heart line present on that palm.

But, a marriage does not guaratee a peaceful and a happy marriage life. There are multiple lines and mounts to consider as the indication of a happy marriage life. That we will learn in the next article.

But, what will happen if there are two ancient marriage lines on my palm what will be the interpretation of that 2nd marriage line? That, we are going to discuss next.

What is the meaning of the 2nd marriage line in the palm, according to the ancient concept?

Only for this paragraph, whenever we say second marriage line means the second line of influence. Here are the predictions…

  • If the palm has two old marriage lines or influence lines, that means the person may get two times influenced. It does not necessarily mean two marriages.
  • If these two lines are parallel and of the same length that means there could be two, very deep influences or lust. one of them or both of them could be a marriage. It could be marriage-like situations too.
  • Usually, two marriage lines (lines of influence) people are normal. If the Jupiter mount, Venus mount, and the heart line are in good condition and prominent, they usually do not cheat their partners.
  • He/she may sometimes think that if this marriage does not work, a second marriage could be done. But, that will not cause any divorce. Even, a person with a single marriage line could have a divorce.
  • I have seen thousands of palms with multiple marriage lines (lines of influence ), they are in a good marriage.

a second marriage line in the palm of male or female many times just interpret nothing. In today’s time a relationship or an infatuation does not make any big scene.

What if there are three marriage lines (influence lines) ?

Three marriage lines (three influence lines) are not a good sign at all. It means the person may have multiple influences. He or she falls in love many times and it is the nature of that person. the person does not have a clearity of mind and this nature may causes many trouble in the life.

calculate the chance of two marriages from second marriage line in hand.

Our entire discussion of second marriage line in palm is dependent on a chance of two marrages. But, a second marriage will only happen if there is a divorce or breakup in the first marriage.

For that, we have to consider many things together in the palm of a male or female person. Remember, both the palm of the person has to be considered.

So, first we need to consider the chance of divorce or death of partner in the particular hand then we can give prediction of second marriage line in hand of male or female.

see the follwing signs to understand the chance of second marriage…

If the person does not have any influence line on hand, but, the heart line is in good condition. Aslo there is a marriage line, that could indicate a divorce in first marriage and a second marriage will take place too.

if the person has the prominant marriage line. There are two paralal and equal distance influence line. But the first influence line touches the heart line. That can cause a divorce in first marriage and chance of a second marriage.

If there is a fork in front of the first marriage line, that indiacte a divorce or death of partner. Besides, if there is a good , prominent heart line and a clear marriage line, that can indiacte another marriage

In the case of marriage left hand of a female should be given more importance. Because the left hand indicates our subconscious mind. Usually, females make decisions of marriage with their emotions which reflects their subconscious mind.

In the case of man, the right hand has to be dominated.

But, in both genders, both hands have to be considered. At least, any forms of the line should be present on the opposite hand.

If in a male hand, there is a deep prominent marriage line in the right hand and a small lighter marriage line on the left hand that means the guy will get married. If there is no marriage line at all on the left hand, that means the guy will get married but, there will be obstacles. Because marriage also needs emotions.


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Hi! I am Suprabhat. I am an officer by profession and an astrologer by passion. I hope my articles will help you to predict your own future. But, if you want me to predict your future, you can contact me.

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